Saturday, October 9, 2010

Frosty, Heidi and Frank

I was surprised to hear Frost Stillwell (yes, that's what he called himself) on the AM dial Saturday night (October 23, 2010) about 9PM PST, as a fill in host ...well done Frost

Frosty, Heidi and Frank are leaving KABC

An era of sorts is coming to an end: Frosty, Heidi and Frank announced late last week that their contract was not renewed at KABC (790 AM) and that they would leave the station effective Oct. 1.

The trio, formerly heard on KLSX (now KAMP, 97.1 FM) came to KABC just a year ago. At the time, many thought this was the start of a KABC transformation from political talk to lifestyle talk. And in many ways that would have made sense; KABC had been declining in the ratings for years and appeared impotent when it came to competing against the better-programmed, better-promoted KFI (640 AM).

But it was not to be. Frosty Stillwell, Heidi Hamilton and Frank Kramer arrived with great fanfare, but the rest of the station stayed the same ... schizophrenic and syndication-heavy. The addition of FH&F didn't help, providing little audience crossover to or from other programs.

Letters and e-mails I've received over the past year reflect that polarization: People who listen to FH&F don't understand why the rest of the day exists; fans of the rest of the day think the trio is awful. There seemed to be no middle ground, and KABC's ratings sank even lower.

I don't think the trio was necessarily a bad choice, I just think they didn't fit with the station, and since no other substantive changes were made it left them hanging. Had the station chosen to go with even just a few more "lifestyle" choices, it might have worked. But it didn't.

By Richard Wagoner


On September 10, 2010, Frosty Heidi and Frank announced that KABC will be taking them off the air on October 1.

Immediately following this news, Frosty Stilwell announced that he would be leaving
The Frosty Heidi and Frank Show to pursue other ventures.

But as one era ends, another begins.

On October 4, The Heidi and Frank Show will begin streaming LIVE on their new web site,, Monday thru Friday from 10am - 12pm. will have TONS of new content such as
live video webcasts daily, exclusive videos, commercial-free podcasts, and much more.


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