Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the Sing Off

The two-hour edition of “The Sing Off,” which introduced 10 singing groups in a competition for $100,000 and a Sony recording contract is back. YEAH!!! Wonderful program, super talent, intelligent judges, great host and it all plays out in only three weeks. Tune in tonight to episode 2 (NBC).

The acapella singing competition returns for a second season. Ten groups are competing for a recording contract. The groups perform songs from a variety of genres, with no backup band to help them along the way. Nick Lachey, formerly a member of 98 Degrees, returns as host.

The eight remaining groups sing modern hits and collaborate to perform “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon.

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Christmas Wish List

As we approach the holidays and begin to gear up for the 2011 NASCAR season, it’s time to celebrate our favorite big guy in red. Whoa there Santa, while you are one pretty cool dude, this time it’s not all about you, but I do know of a way that you can help to make fans of the Office Depot No. 14 team pretty happy on Christmas morning!

You see Santa, we fans look forward to seeing you once a year, but Tony Stewart, well we get to spend 36 glorious weekends with that big guy in red annually. While we would appreciate even more time to spend with both of you, we understand that you are a busy fellow who keeps to himself for a majority of the year and we respect that, but in the upcoming new year, Stewart is now willing to share himself with us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 375 days a year. Can you top that Santa? I think not.

So Santa, what can you do for us?

Bring us an Office Depot Racing calendar that is chock full of smokin’ photos of Tony Stewart and his team that can’t be found anywhere else. In addition to pictures of our favorite driver in his red hot firesuit, which is already awesome, because who doesn’t love a man in a uniform? The calendar also features him in casual wear as well as business attire and that really gets our hearts racing! The calendar even includes the complete 2011 race schedule, it is a winning combination for any Tony Stewart fan.

I know, I know Santa, this isn’t exactly the kind of gift crafted at the North Pole by your team of elves, but I do know where you pick up some for your sleigh ride across the skies on Christmas Eve.

Mr. Claus, you can get it exclusively at Office Depot, but supplies are limited, so what are you waiting for? Get on it already! Make that list of yours now, check it twice and you will see that I haven’t been naughty at all this year, just especially nice.

For those fans who just can’t wait until Christmas morning, get your calendar today at select Office Depot stores or online at for just $13.99, a small price to pay for the gift that keeps on giving every day of the year.

Photo courtesy of Edelman for Office Depot Racing

By Kara Martin

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Kings Speech

it arrives in limited theaters today, yet no one knows about it (watch the trailer) I honestly can't stress enough how amazing this film is - please go see it right away!

Story of the man who became King George VI and overcame a dreaded stutter with the help of a friend.

The King's Speech is directed by Emmy winning British filmmaker Tom Hooper, of Red Dust, Longford, and the John Adams mini-series The screenplay was written by David Seidler, of mostly TV movies previously, including Malice in Wonderland, Dancing in the Dark, Quest for Camelot, The King and I and also Kung Fu Killer previously. After premiering in Telluride & Toronto, The Weinstein Company is bringing The King's Speech to theaters starting Thanksgiving week

Friday, October 22, 2010

Apple's New Polish:

Apple's New Polish: How I Fell in Love With Air

On Wednesday, Apple pulled its newest laptop out of a game-changing (and slightly thinner) manila envelope. The ultrathin Macbook Air is back -- and better than ever.

There are 13- and 11-inch versions of the slim new laptop, and I've been using the 11-inch version for a few days now. You can color me impressed.

The new design is impressive -- and dare I say sexy? As Tracy Byrnes of the Fox Business Network said when she first saw the new Air, "That's hot!"

And that's coming from someone willing to confess that the original MavBook Air didn't make much sense to me. The notebooks were overpriced and underpowered. In fact the Air was the only product in Apple's catalog I couldn't recommend. Steve Jobs changed that on Wednesday by combining design elements of the iPad and a laptop.

"We wondered," Jobs said at the keynote event. "What would happen if an iPad and a MacBook hooked up?"

What happened was an iPad-like aluminum unibody design with one edge that's a tenth of an inch thick. What also happened is "instant on" functionality like that in the iPad: Open the lid and the screen instantly turns on, ready for work. My most recent Windows 7 machine takes significantly longer to resume working from sleep.

Apple changed the game by creating a laptop that's always ready to work, ready to jump on the Internet, ready send an e-mail -- all in the blink of an eye. Here's a few reasons to like it:

Price: The cost is also a game changer. At $999 the 11-inch version could be sitting under a lot of Christmas trees this season.

Display: The screen is gorgeous for viewing photos despite its small size. It boasts 1,366 x 768 resolution. What does that mean? Your photos and videos will look bright, sharp, and colorful.

Weight: I can't imagine ever buying a heavier laptop again. At 2.3 pounds it's the perfect travel companion. No more carrying a 6 pound laptop. I carried it to and from work over the past few days and I didn't even notice it in my man bag. Yes I carry a man bag, it's New York.

Speed: Fast is my thing, and this Air puts the old Air to shame. The 11-inch model sports a Core 2 duo processor and an Nvidia graphics card; I opened and used multiple, processor-intensive applications and still surfed the web with ease. And I did so with much of its 5-hour battery juice left to spare.

Yes there are faster cheaper Windows PCs out there, but nothing this solid and intelligently designed. As my Dad always says, you pay for what you get.

The new MacBook Air isn't for everyone, however. If you need a DVD burner you won't find it here. If you need tons of storage for your iTunes library or photo collection, this isn't the machine for you either. Sure, it has the iLife suite of applications -- Garageband, iMovie, iPhoto and more -- but if you're a serious video editor, you'll laugh at the Air's storage space and processor speed.

If you want that stuff, this machine is not for you. Each week I edit a video podcast, or large audio files, and that's something I'd never do on an 11-inch MacBook Air. But for the vast majority of tasks, this machine fulfills all of my needs, and more.

What about an iPad? Should you buy this instead of an iPad?

The MacBook Air and iPad are different devices, and they aren't mutually exclusive. I still prefer my iPad for reading websites and books, and playing games. So far, nothing beats leaning back in the recliner with my touch-screen iPad and reading a newspaper or watching Netflix.

I thought the release of the iPad would kill the MacBook Air. I was wrong. This week Apple saved the MacBook Air -- and made the laptop more than just relevant. Apple made the Air great.

Clayton Morris is a Fox and Friends host and the tech guru behind the Gadgets and Games show -- and is much thicker than the MacBook Air. Follow Clayton's adventures online on Twitter @ClaytonMorris and by reading his daily updates at his blog.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Shaming of fat people

It's not like fat people or people struggling with weight issues need anything else in life to make us feel like crap, but not surprisingly, it's been done. The one overweight couple on TV (since Huge has been canceled) has been called out not just for being fat but for being too fat.

The current brouhaha was inadvertently (I hope) created by Marie Claire blogger Maura Kelly who blogged about the characters on the hit sitcom Mike and Molly and ignited a firestorm with several statements including saying that she would be:

grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room -- just like I'd find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair.

First thought: Fat=drunk=drug addict. Way to go Maura.

Second thought: that's the thing you find most offensive on TV? Not the fact that women are mutilated on shows daily for story fodder. Or the fact that girls are being sexualized so early. Or the fact that most people's faces are shot up with so much poison that they can no longer express themselves. Or the fact that most of the women on TV look so skinny that there is no way they are eating enough food to get them through the day.

Yes, the truth is both characters on Mike and Molly are obese. And I can pretty much guarantee as a person who thinks about what food I would love to eat all day long and expends much energy resisting that same food, that those actors would love to lose weight. But what happened here is that these people were shamed for being fat just like people are shamed for being gay.

This shaming comes at a moment when we as a culture are thinking about bullying and the tragic deaths of several young gay men who took their lives because they were bullied and shamed.

While this has clearly not been a good couple of days for Maura Kelly, this conversation, while difficult, is important. Bullying and shaming is wrong even when it is done inadvertently and makes us realize how easy it is to fall into that type of thinking.

And this has also been a good lesson for us bloggers. 1- think before you hit publish. Think about the power you have. 2- Editors think twice about having a person who has struggled with anorexia write about fat issues. What the hell were you thinking? Yeah you've gotten a lot of page views and stirred up a controversy but this should get filed under the not all publicity is good publicity.

Last thought: Can't there be a happy middle? TV is full of only very skinny people, there aren't any actors who look like regular every day citizens. Why can't there be shows with people of all body types? Why are our only choices too skinny or too fat? We should be able to have one or two or five or ten shows with people of different sizes on TV so that no couple can be called out as "the only fat couple on TV."

So now I'm taking my muffin top and fat roll that lives above that down to the kitchen to make some lunch cause all this talk about fat people on TV has made me hungry.

Should "Fatties" Get a Room? (Even on TV?) (Marie Claire)

Marie Claire blog on TV "fatties" provokes uproar (Reuters)

Originally posted on Women & Hollywood

Melissa Silverstein At the intersection of feminism and entertainment

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Frosty, Heidi and Frank

I was surprised to hear Frost Stillwell (yes, that's what he called himself) on the AM dial Saturday night (October 23, 2010) about 9PM PST, as a fill in host ...well done Frost

Frosty, Heidi and Frank are leaving KABC

An era of sorts is coming to an end: Frosty, Heidi and Frank announced late last week that their contract was not renewed at KABC (790 AM) and that they would leave the station effective Oct. 1.

The trio, formerly heard on KLSX (now KAMP, 97.1 FM) came to KABC just a year ago. At the time, many thought this was the start of a KABC transformation from political talk to lifestyle talk. And in many ways that would have made sense; KABC had been declining in the ratings for years and appeared impotent when it came to competing against the better-programmed, better-promoted KFI (640 AM).

But it was not to be. Frosty Stillwell, Heidi Hamilton and Frank Kramer arrived with great fanfare, but the rest of the station stayed the same ... schizophrenic and syndication-heavy. The addition of FH&F didn't help, providing little audience crossover to or from other programs.

Letters and e-mails I've received over the past year reflect that polarization: People who listen to FH&F don't understand why the rest of the day exists; fans of the rest of the day think the trio is awful. There seemed to be no middle ground, and KABC's ratings sank even lower.

I don't think the trio was necessarily a bad choice, I just think they didn't fit with the station, and since no other substantive changes were made it left them hanging. Had the station chosen to go with even just a few more "lifestyle" choices, it might have worked. But it didn't.

By Richard Wagoner


On September 10, 2010, Frosty Heidi and Frank announced that KABC will be taking them off the air on October 1.

Immediately following this news, Frosty Stilwell announced that he would be leaving
The Frosty Heidi and Frank Show to pursue other ventures.

But as one era ends, another begins.

On October 4, The Heidi and Frank Show will begin streaming LIVE on their new web site,, Monday thru Friday from 10am - 12pm. will have TONS of new content such as
live video webcasts daily, exclusive videos, commercial-free podcasts, and much more.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rubicon Marathon Airs This Sunday

Rubicon Marathon

Need to get caught up on Rubicon? Missed a episode along the way? Interested in watching previous episodes again to look for clues you may have missed the first time? This weekend, you'll get your chance.

This Sun., Sept. 5, AMC will air Rubicon's first six episodes back-to-back. The marathon schedule will be as follows:

- 9AM | 8C: Episode 1, "Gone In The Teeth"
- 10AM | 9C: Episode 2, "The First Day of School"
- 11AM | 10C: Episode 3, "Keep The Ends Out"
- 12PM | 11C: Episode 4, "The Outsider"
- 1PM | 12C: Episode 5, "Connect the Dots"
- 2PM | 1C: Episode 6, "Look to the Ant"

Then be sure to tune in at 9PM | 8C for the premiere of Episode 7, "The Truth Will Out."

<em>Rubicon</em> Marathon Airs This Sunday

Friday, August 13, 2010

Stand Up To Cancer - TUNE IN ON SEPTEMBER 10

We've all come together — from patients to clinicians, from advocates to lawmakers, from children to teenagers to parents and parents of parents — in support of one cause: finding a cure for cancer as quickly as possible.

Stand Up To Cancer - TUNE IN ON SEPTEMBER 10

Monday, August 2, 2010

Elliott Sadler Crash Pocono Raceway Kurt Busch 2010

Elliott Sadler (thank heavens) was OK after he rode his NASCAR Sprint Cup car straight into the backstretch wall Sunday afternoon at Pocono International Raceway in the middle of the Pennsylvania 500, which was eventually won by Greg Biffle, with Tony Stewart second and Carl Edwards third.

The wreck that collected Sadler was triggered by Jimmie Johnson, who tapped Kurt Busch just enough to send him spinning out of control going toward turn 3 of the Pocono tri-oval, which Busch was kind enough to enunciate for all of us imbeciles who obviously didn’t realize that he’d been in a car accident and that’s why he’d been taken to the hospital.

Of course, TV announcers don’t help much with guys like Busch when they ask inane questions like, "What happened?"

"Got wrecked," said Busch. (No kidding.)

TV announcer: "Where?"

Busch: "Back straightaway." (Oh, please. Get off your high horse.)

TV announcer: "How?"

Busch: "Jimmie Johnson drove right over us." (Thank you for stating the obvious.)

TV announcer: Thanks.

Now, I saw this. Abut 20 times, in fact. Replay after replay showed Johnson hitting Busch and starting the crackup of the week. I know this.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Tom Jones:
Praise & Blame

July 26th, 2010 | By TomJones

After weeks of fantastic reviews, controversy and brilliant interviews, the day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here… ‘Praise & Blame’ is out to buy now!!!
If you live in the States you won’t be waiting long either, as ‘Praise & Blame’ is being released tomorrow!!!
Tom is extremely proud of this album and with tremendous [...]

check out Sir Tom singing "What good am I"


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LA Times reads my fortune

You're a Generous Spirit

You thrive on new experiences. You live a wonderfully rich and varied life, and have inspiring levels of enthusiasm and passion for everything that you do. Intellectually curious and well-read, you like to keep on top of all the latest issues. You do your best to live a healthy lifestyle and manage to balance this with a busy social life. You get great fulfillment from doing your bit for society and enjoy being an active member of the local community. But it's also important to be able to kick back and relax from time to time. After all, you deserve it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The only problem with a good iced coffee is that, like its hot form, you just can't stop. When it's full of sweet cream, sugar or ice cream, it can be as fattening as any sweet.

Things You'll Need:
  • Blender
  • Large Glass
  • 1/3 c. whole milk
  • 1 c. cubed ice
  • 1 to 2 tsp. sugars
  • 2 tbsp. vanilla ice cream
  • 2/3 c. strong coffees

  1. Prepare 2/3 c. strong coffee.
  2. While the coffee is still warm, add 1 tsp. sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved.
  3. Add 1/3 c. milk and stir.
  4. Place 1/2 c. ice in blender and add sweetened coffee.
  5. Turn the blender on and off quickly a few times to break up the ice.

  6. Add 2 tbsp. vanilla ice cream. Turn blender on to Medium and blend.
  7. After the coffee and ice have blended, add another 1/2 c. ice.
  8. Blend until smooth. If you want a thicker frappe, add a little more ice.

  9. Pour into large glass and serve immediately.


Carrot and Rasin Salad

Ingredients: Servings:4-6

  • 2/3 cup rasins
  • 2 cups coarsely grated carrots
  • 1 cup, drained crushed pineapple
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise-type salad dressing
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar


Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 10 mins

  1. Toss raisins, carrots, and pineapple together lightly; set aside.
  2. Stir together mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and sugar and add to the raisin mixture.
  3. Refrigerate until served.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PBS' Great Performances series - Hamlet

Heads-up for all of you who still miss the Tenth Doctor: David Tennant stars in a "modern-dress" adaptation of Hamlet alongside the delightful Patrick Stewart. It airs tonight as part of PBS' Great Performances series.

PBS also has a brief video interview with Stewart about the film. Note: Immediately following the broadcast, Hamlet will be posted online in its entirety on the Great Performances site. (It arrives on DVD May 4, so you have several ways to watch.)

Hamlet airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Earth Day Playlist

Here's an Earth Day playlist of songs about taking better care of Planet Earth, better care of one another and better care of ourselves.

HANDS ALL OVER - Soundgarden
EARTH SONG - Michael Jackson
BIG YELLOW TAXI - Joni Mitchell
DOWN TO EARTH - Peter Gabriel
EARTH ANTHEM - The Turtles
DON'T DRINK THE WATER - Dave Matthews Band
BEFORE THE DELUGE - Jackson Browne
EARTH - Imogen Heap
HARVEST FOR THE WORLD - The Isley Brothers
EARTH CRISIS - Steel Pulse
SALTWATER - Julian Lennon

Green Green - The New Christy Minstrels
Green Green Grass of Home - Tom Jones
Ashes To Ashes by Steve Earle
Everybody Loves the Sunshine- Roy Ayers
When the World is Running Down-The Police
The Secret Life of Plants (the entire album!)-Stevie Wonder
If You Need Oil -- Randy Newman
Gulf Of Mexico (Fishing Boat Blues) -- Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby
The Oil Song -- Steve Forbert
Gulf Of Mexico -- Clint Black
Pete Seeger -- Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
The Stylistics -- People Make the World Go Round
Bill Withers -- Lovely Day (an absolute favorite of mine)
Ramsey Lewis with Earth, Wind and Fire -- Sun Goddess
Donald Fagen -- I.G.Y. (from, IMO, one of the best albums ever made, 'The Nightfly')
Back to the Island ----- Leon Russell
The River ----Springsteen
Europa ----Santana
Ventura Highway ----America
Teach Your Children ----CSNY
Watching the River ----Loggins and Messina
Roof Garden ----Al Jarreau
Black Water ----Doobie Brothers
16 Tons----- Tennessee Ernie Ford
The Flat Earth ---- Thomas Dolby
The Earth Died Screaming------Tom Waits
Over The Montain and Across the Sea---- Johnnie and Joe
When the Wind Was Green ---- Frank Sinatra
Breathe ---- Pink Floud
Fake Plastic Trees ---- Radiohead
In Bloom ---- Nirvana
Little Water Song ---- Ute Lemper
Mourning Air ----Portishead
O Green World ---- Gorillaz
There She Goes, My Beautiful World ----- Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Only So Much Oil in the Ground- Tower of Power
Save this House- Spirit of the West
World on Fire- Sarah McLoughlin
Perfect Day -- Hoku
Hymn of the Big Wheel -- Massive Attack
Green Grass and High Tides -- The Outlaws
We Kill the World - Boney M (yes! the ultimate Earth day song)
When You Gonna Learn -Jamiroquai
Emergency on Planet Earth - Jamiroquai
Too Young to Die - Jamiroquai
Where is the Love -Black Eyed Peas
Fields of Gold - Sting
Crystal Blue Persuasion - Tommy James & The Shondells
Where Do the Children Play - Cat Stevens
Beautiful Day - U2
Cool Change - Little River Band
Make The World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
Don't They Know It's The End Of The World - Skeeter Davis
Stop The World I Want To Get Off - Gorky Park
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tom Sizemore

We saw the very talented actor Tom Sizemore on Larry King.

Best Wishes. He is always the best thing about all his films.

Larry King -

April 21, 2010

Actor Tom Sizemore opens up on his battle with drug addiction and the fight to stay clean.

Sizemore Recited Shakespeare To Stay Sane In Prison

TOM SIZEMORE used his acting skills to help him cope with prison - he would recite Shakespearean plays to pass the time in his cell.

The Saving Private Ryan actor was jailed for 17 months in 2005 after failing drug tests while on probation for assaulting his then girlfriend, Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, two years earlier (03).

And Sizemore reveals he endured life behind bars by focusing on his love of The Bard - writing down excerpts from his favourite plays and reciting them to keep his "brain working".

He tells U.S. newsman Larry King, "I didn't do drugs in prison. I focused on not losing myself. There wasn't a lot of fighting. I had to fight a few times and I can handle myself. I'll take a beating, I don't care.

"But in prison, it's different. Taking a beating could be your last beating. I know Shakespeare a lot. I know it well. I remember full plays almost. I've (a) really great memory. I wrote down as many of the plays I've been in that I can remember the lines that I had and other characters I had. I wrote down the movies I had been in.

"I wrote them out to make sure my brain was still working and to keep myself - I have a good imagination, I could disappear into (acting)... When I played Iago (in Othello), I still know what I did when I was 21."


Thursday, April 15, 2010

This weekend the annual Grand Prix of Long Beach takes over the streets of downtown Long Beach, CA.

The three day event, which attracts world-class Indy 500 drivers, includes a Pro/Celeb race on Saturday, 4.17 where movie, TV and music stars battle it out on the race course.

Last year's winner, Keanu Reeves will back along with Adrien Brody, and newcomers, Christian Slater, Brian Austin Green, Anthony Anderson, Adam Carolla, Tony Hawk, Jesse McCartney, Patrick Warburton, Megyn Price, Tika Sumpter, and this year's Grand Marshal, Mark Wahlberg.


Cal Worthington

I was listening to my car radio this morning (KFI AM 640 - Bill Handel) and Cal Worthington was being interviewed. Just this past weekend himself and I were watching TV and a Worthington Ford commercial played, which had us both asking, "How old IS Cal Worthington? We got our answer. Cal is 89 (in 2010).

I learned several other interesting things also, he was a decorated B-17 pilot over Germany during WWII and could not find work as a pilot after the war because he did not have a college degree. He went on to become one of the most famous car dealers in the US.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Webby Awards

The Webby Awards, now in their 14th year, highlight the best use of the Internet across a range of categories from the worlds of entertainment and news.

The New York Times stood out by garnering 15 nods, two more than last year, when it also led all nominees.

"They have a prolific and diverse approach to delivering content, quite frankly, and I think they do a lot of new things in a lot of different mediums," said David-Michel Davies, executive director of the Webby Awards.

Davies noted the New York Times was among the first newspapers to have its reporters send out short "tweet" messages on the social networking website

The newspaper's online nominations this year came in such categories as best news, photography and writing.

British broadcaster BBC was the second most-nominated group with nine nods, followed by six each for the comedy websites CollegeHumor and The Onion.

Colbert, who won "Webby Person of the Year" award in 2008, was recognized again this year with a nomination for his website

Actor Zach Galifianakis, the rising star of comedy movies "The Hangover" and "Youth in Revolt," earned a nomination in the comedy category for his online talk show "Between Two Ferns," which features his interviews with celebrity guests.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

In the viral video category, a father's videotape of his disoriented son after dental surgery received a nomination. The video is called David After Dentist, and it has been seen more than 50 million times on the website

Davies said that the past year has been marked by the rise of mobile applications for cell phones and other technology that provide users with services and content.

Foursquare, which was nominated in the mobile social networking category, is an example of that new trend, Davies said. It allows users to earn points by going to certain locations, and keeping track of where their friends have been.

The Webby Award winners will be celebrated at a ceremony in New York on June 14. A panel of judges that includes rock star David Bowie will choose a list of winners, and the public will get a chance to pick their favorites.

Information on further nominees can be found at


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

(a contraction of the term "web log") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Personal blogs
The personal blog, an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual, is the traditional, most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life, or works of art.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The IBM Muppet Show

Before Sesame Street and The Muppet Show, Jim Henson made short films for Big Blue. The tech may be archaic, but the entertainment is timeless.

Check out the Technologizer to view the videos.
